A voltage is essential to get electrons (and/or charges in general) moving. Movement of charges can take place in a wire ( the most familiar place where electrons move), in a solution containing ions (inside a chemical cell) , in a molten ionic solid (like sodium chloride (where electrolysis is used to produce chlorine gas) or even in air (in the case of lightning , for instance).
A voltage can be produced in various ways (concept map below). The most common are electromagnetic induction (which takes place in power stations) and electrochemistry (batteries).
Some examples of voltages on the table below:
System |
Typical voltage |
Human nervous system |
70mV |
Mains voltage |
230V or 110V |
Electric fish |
100 to 600V |
Sparks from synthetic wool jumper |
1 kV |
Lightning |
10 to 100MV |
AA battery |
1.5V |